930,000 people in Finland at risk of poverty, social exclusion


930,000 people in Finland at risk of poverty, social exclusion

A total of 930,000 persons or 16.9 per cent of the household population were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Finland in 2023, according to Statistics Finland.

The growth in the number of persons at risk grew from the previous year. The share of children at risk of poverty or social exclusion grew in particular.

Experienced difficulties in making ends meet also became more common.

The number of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion grew by 57,000 persons in 2023.

Children's risk of poverty or social exclusion grew from 14.1 to 17.3 per cent. In turn, the risk of persons aged over 75 diminished.

The number of persons experiencing severe material and social deprivation grew most, by 50,000 persons.

The number of persons with low work intensity also grew by 26,000 and that of persons in low income households by 25,000.

The share of persons experiencing difficulties in making ends meet grew for the third year in a row.

Nine per cent of all persons belonged to households that had great difficulties or difficulties to cover compulsory expenses in 2024.

  •  Risk of poverty
  •  Rises
  •  Finland

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

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