Finland to build TNT factory in Pori


Finland to build TNT factory in Pori

Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen on Friday said that a new TNT (trinitrotoluene) factory will be built in Finland, said the Ministry of Defence in a press release.

The factory will be located in Pori at a cost of more than 255 million euros.

The new plant that will produce TNT explosives in Finland.

The Ministry launched a project in early 2024 to examine the availability of TNT, either through imports from abroad or the construction of a plant in Finland.

“I considered that the best solution is to build a plant in Finland so that the Finnish defence industry and security of supply can be strengthened at the same time. This new TNT plant will respond to the shortage of explosives throughout Europe and the problems this shortage causes for ammunition production. The investment will also enable Finland to continue its support for Ukraine in the long term,” said Häkkänen.

The project will be carried out by the Finnish explosives manufacturer Oy Forcit Ab.

The plant will cover the need of the Defence Forces for TNT explosives in 2028–2037.

TNT, or trinitrotoluene, is an explosive used in artillery and mortar ammunition. The demand for TNT has increased considerably due to the war in Ukraine.

  •  Finland
  •  TNT
  •  Pori


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